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Class 3 Greek Podcasts
Reception Jubilee
Gipsey Bridge Virtual Tour
Makaton Signs -Summer Term 2022 - Relationships
Class 3
Mrs Knight's Easter Assembly 29th March
Miss Drury's Assembly Monday 22nd March - International Forest Day
Back to school!
Y4 Maths Tuesday 2nd March
Class 2 History Monday 1st March
Class 2 - Spring Term 2 - Class Reader - The Iron Man
Class 2 - RE lesson - Thursday 25th February
Class 1 History lesson 2 2.3.21
Class 2 - History Tuesday 23rd February
Reception - Story of the week - Spring Term 2
Reception Phonics tips for phase 3
Class 1 Literacy lesson 3 WC 8.2.21
Class 1 Art Lessons WC 8.2.21
Class 2 - Music - Performance of Graphic Score - Rumbles
Class 2 - Wednesday 3rd February
Class 2 - Children's Mental Health Week
Class one Geography Lesson Wednesday 3rd February
Class one History lesson Tuesday 2nd February
Class 2 Geography - Wednesday 27th January
Class 2 Geography - Tuesday 26th January
Class 2 History - Monday 25th January
Class one Literacy Lesson 2
Year 2 maths lesson 3 WC 25.01.21
Year 1 maths lesson 5 WC 25.01.21
Class 1 Class Reader - The Owl who was afraid of the dark by Jill Tomlinson
Y4 Symmetry video Wednesday 20th January
Class 2 Speech punctuation 19.01.2021
Class 1 Year 2 Maths Lesson 1 Monday - Week 3
Reception - Other videos ST1
Reception story of the week
JB Videos
Class 1 Class Reader - The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
Class 2 Class Reader - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Class 3 Remote Learning - Class Reader - Tom's Midnight Garden
Class 3 Reader - Wolf Brother
Class 3 Videos
Virtual Tour 2020
Harvest Songs and Poems
Class 2 Extras
11th May Class 2
4th May Maths Class 2
27th April Maths Class 2
27th April Class 2 SPaG
Class 3 Extras
Class 2 Learning tools
Rights Respecting School Award
Working with Coningsby, London, Grimsby and Lebanon
Harry Potter
Reception and Class One Cultural Day at Barnes Wallis
How we think children get ready for school in Lebanon
Our turn to learn rhymes from Lebanon in Arabic!
Indian Cultural Day at the Skegness Embassy
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Class 2 Learning tools
Year 3 Subtraction
Year 3 Subtraction
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